As evidenced by the recent #MeToo Movement, society is finally catching up with morality.
In the past, victims were oftentimes afraid to speak out when victimized, as it was common practice to ignore or retaliate against victims. That time is increasingly coming to an end, as the "stigma" and fear of standing up for oneself has mostly been replaced by encouragement and believably.
Of course, not all employers are compliant, but it is now easier and more acceptable to stand up for yourself. If you are or have been the victim of unwelcome advances, sexual requests or demands, physical contact of a sexual nature, comments of a sexual nature, or retaliation after standing up for yourself after being subjected to sexual harassment, then contact Berg & Pearson PC so we can attempt to use the law to protect and compensate you.
It is all too often the case that employers believe they can treat their employees almost any way they wish, without any regard to the employees' rights. There are, however, laws that will protect you and Berg & Pearson PC will invoke those laws in your favor to put you on a level playing field, even against the largest of corporations.
If you feel lost or helpless, or just want to fight back, call Berg & Pearson PC today for a FREE initial telephone consultation.