If you feel you have been harassed at work, were wrongfully terminated, were subjected to a hostile work environment
or faced discrimination because of your gender, race, age, or medical condition, then you may have cause to file a lawsuit for sexual harassment, wrongful termination, disability discrimination, age discrimination or racial harassment.
If you experienced any of these issues but are not sure what your next steps are, then call Berg & Pearson PC today and we will attempt to help you.
Berg & Pearson PC offers representation relative to employment-related legal issues in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Our firm handles matters in both the state and federal court systems. We also offer representation relative to claims for unemployment benefits.
It is all too often the case that employers believe they can treat their employees almost any way they wish, without any regard to the employees' rights. There are, however, laws that will protect you and Berg & Pearson PC will invoke those laws in your favor to put you on a level playing field, even against the largest of corporations.
If you feel lost or helpless, or just want to fight back, call Berg & Pearson PC today for a FREE initial telephone consultation.